Peace Church is looking at our need to rebuild our church, our community, and ourselves. This page provides all the latest information on this initiative and resources for individual or group studies. The theme of this church discussion is build around the books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Ester and the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile.

1. The Call to Rebuild

It was God who stirred the spirit of the King which led to the proclamation for the temple to be rebuilt (Ezra 1:1-6). Rebuilding starts with God.

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2. Rebuilding the Temple

This study is based on the book of Ezra and includes themes such as 1) worship as central to life with God, 2) the call for the people of God to be involved in the rebuilding, 3) opposition to those who rebuild.

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3. Rebuilding the Walls

Walls were a key aspect of any ancient city as they represented strength and security. This study is based on chapters 1 to 6 of the book of Nehemiah.

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4. Rebuilding the People

The restoration of the people of God was through instruction of the word of God (Nehemiah chapters 7-13)

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5. Rebuilding Purpose

In this study we rediscover our purpose, calling or role? "Who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Ester 4:14)

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