Welcome to our church

Sundays at 8 am and 10 am (In-church and Online)

Welcome to Peace Lutheran Church.  Come and see what we're doing or contact us to join one of our activities.  We have a wide range of activities for different age groups and interests and we welcome all who love the Lord to join us in ministry and worship. 

Sunday worship is at 8:00 am and 10:00 AM every week IN CHURCH and ONLINE (See below for details).  

Monthly Newsletter

Our monthly newsletter includes information on what is going on at Peace Church and within our community.  You can check out our monthly newsletter by clicking here.

Click here for our 8:00am
Service Online

Click here for the 10:00am "NEW" Service Online

Click here for our playlist of recent services on YouTube

2024 Revival Meetings

We are pleased to announce that Peter Steicke will be speaking at our revival meetings this year.  Peter served as a pastor within the Lutheran Church of Australia from 1984 to 2009 but is now responding to his call to a ministry of equipping people with a culture of living loved so we can all live loving. Peter’s passion is 

“to see everyone come to know their place in the Father’s heart and to live from that place. It means you can grab life and take risks led by the Holy Spirit.” 

His mission is simply to walk in the love of the Father and give it away so all people may cherish his grace and extend his glory. As Peter says, 

“Everything starts with people knowing how incredibly loved they are. The acceptance we already have because of Jesus gives us a new identity as sons and daughters of a perfectly loving heavenly Father. The love of the Father changes everything, and nothing changes without his love.”

Peter’s teaching will help us understand our identity, living out of the Father’s heart, living securely in an insecure world, forgiveness, living free from guilt and shame and a range of other topics.

Our meetings will run from 6:00pm to approximately 8:00pm every night from Wednesday the 31st of July to Sunday the 4th of August.  Each evening will include a time of worship, prayer and teaching, with time to talk over coffee afterwards.  There will be an offering for those who would like to give, mainly  to cover costs for the evening, but also as a thankful response to God for what He is doing.

A Home Group for Busy People

We know that not everyone can fit a traditional homegroup into their busy working week.  Peace has established a Home Group for Busy People which is more like a weekly catchup (or weekly stand-up if you're used to this in your business world).  This is a short, focussed, 30 minute catchup to see how everyone is going, listen to a short devotion, celebrate eachother's milestones, share burdens, and still have time to finish early enough for those working people needing to rise early.

Contact Peace Church at Church@Peacelps.qld.edu.au to get your Zoom link.

What's Happening at Peace?

Rebuilding Our Church

Click here to see how we are embracing the challenge to rebuild our worship facilities, our purpose, and ourselves. 

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Get Zoom help here.
