Welcome to our church

Sundays at 8 am and 10 am (In-church and Online)

Welcome to Peace Lutheran Church.  Come and see what we're doing or contact us to join one of our activities.  We have a wide range of activities for different age groups and interests and we welcome all who love the Lord to join us in ministry and worship. 

Sunday worship is at 8:00 am and 10:00 AM every week IN CHURCH and ONLINE (See below for details).  

Monthly Newsletter

Our monthly newsletter includes information on what is going on at Peace Church and within our community.  You can check out our monthly newsletter by clicking here.

Click here for our 8:00am
Service Online

Click here for the 10:00am "NEW" Service Online

Click here for our playlist of recent services on YouTube

A Home Group for Busy People

We know that not everyone can fit a traditional homegroup into their busy working week.  Peace has established a Home Group for Busy People which is more like a weekly catchup (or weekly stand-up if you're used to this in your business world).  This is a short, focussed, 30 minute catchup to see how everyone is going, listen to a short devotion, celebrate eachother's milestones, share burdens, and still have time to finish early enough for those working people needing to rise early.

Contact Peace Church at Church@Peacelps.qld.edu.au to get your Zoom link.

What's Happening at Peace?

Rebuilding Our Church

Click here to see how we are embracing the challenge to rebuild our worship facilities, our purpose, and ourselves. 

Having trouble with Zoom?

Get Zoom help here.
